
I'm so excited to announce, that I'm launching a 16th Anniversary Edition of my very first poetry book. It includes over 70 originals poems, and short stories about life, love, loss, and faith that will encourage, inspire and teach, as you embrace God's gifts and impart His love and forgiveness. Click on the "Buy Now" button below to pre-order your copy. All orders will ship on May 31st!


Outspoken is about the power of truth. Every day is another lesson, and we’ve all made mistakes that teach us these lessons.

Life guarantees us that mistakes will come, and they will continue to come. No one is perfect, yet some Christians believe they have achieved perfection merely by choosing to follow Christ.

Outspoken is my expression for my own imperfections, and for those who understand theirs. Part of that all-important journey to Christ involves making mistakes along the way, and the more we reveal our shortcomings as Christians, the more we can help and encourage each other as we try to live up to His example.

These poems, short stories, and inspirational sayings are based on everyday situations, whether they are comical or serious. Sometimes we do not admit as Christians how we really feel when we experience these situations, but God says, “He who conceals his sins does not prosper, but whosoever confesses and renounces finds mercy.” (Proverbs 28:13) God knows our hearts, and “if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us of our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9)

The selections included in this book were gathered to reveal what the inner struggle to lead a life with God is like. Often, we need to be reminded that we journey in the right direction. Life presents us with many trials, tribulations, and tests, but the worst mistake we can make is to reject God as our personal Lord and Savior. He is our stability, our constant source of love and forgiveness, and when we sin we have to recognize that repenting can bring us back into God’s favor.

Every Christian falls short of the glory of Christ. Our beliefs are challenged daily, and it is easy to begin to doubt His power. Whether we’ve erred in word, in deed, or merely in thought, God is the only one who can help us overcome our mistakes.

We are so privileged, to breathe, to sit and stand, to work, and to play. We receive so many blessings, yet we fail to recall the One who is our Provider. Family, friends, finances, all of our gifts of love and happiness, and plenty come from that source. If we can’t recognize this, we take life for granted, and get lost in worldly concerns.

Recall, however, that this earth is not our final destination. I want to encourage today’s Christians to persevere in their efforts to overcome this world, as Christ overcame. He has given us the power to reach that goal. Now we must go into the world, and preach the gospel as we await the coming end and our destinies.

These poems and short stories are shared to encourage, inspire, and teach, as you embrace God’s gifts and impart His love and forgiveness.

It’s time to get real. It’s time to speak UP!