To be a great champion, you must believe you are the best. If you’re not, pretend you are.” - Muhammad Ali
Wow! We are on week #26 of our 52-week Mondays Challenge. Many of us have heard the terms, “Fake it ‘til you make it.”, “Act as if.”, and, “To do is to be.”
This week, we are going to act as if, dress like we want to be addressed, pretend, play dress up, or whatever it is you need to do bring your future into the now. If you start acting as if you’ve already achieved your goal, you will find that your success will come to pass much sooner. Each Sunday, at my church, we teach our youth students how to act their way into a feeling by practicing a B.O.S.S. The Movement exercise called the Enthusiastic Drill. The kids stand to their feet and shout with enthusiasm… “To be enthusiastic, you have to act enthusiastic!” No matter how they were feeling before that drill, everything shifted to pure joy and excitement.
This is how we must be as goal-setters. Every day won’t feel like a ray of sunshine. We must act our way into a feeling, as we act our way into our future. Listen, you may not be into the whole acting thing. It’s ok. Maybe you can work on your speaking skills, building your confidence, or just paying more attention to your body language. My family and I have been driving through our future neighborhood every Sunday after church - acting like homeowners. One day.....
Here’s our 52-week Monday plan: Read, Do, Plan, Journal & Read
- Do: Each week we read a chapter and do the exercise in Vic Johnson's book.
- Plan: Plan our week using the 52 Mondays weekly goal sheet located in the back of your journal or in your 52 Monday's download.
- Journal: Each month we focus in on a particular goal category in our journals –This month we are working on our fun & recreational goals.
- Read Chapter #26 of “52 Mondays: The One-Year Path to Outrageous Success & Life Long Happiness” by Vic Johnson.
I’m here to reclaim Monday as a day of awesomeness! I’m excited to hear about what you’ll do this week. Comment on the post below or send me an email at
52 Mondays Goal Challenge Resources- 2017 Goals Journal by Sheréa VéJauan
- Get the 52 Mondays Goal Pack: Includes: 1 Paperback Copy of “My Goals Journal” by Sheréa VéJauan 1 PDF download of 52 Monday’s with Sheréa VéJauan 1 PDF Download of 3 Simple Steps to Creating a Powerful Vision Board by Sheréa VéJauan includes shipping – box NOT included
- Download your 52 Mondays Companion Journal for the 2017 Goals Journal at
- 52 Mondays: The One-Year Path to Outrageous Success & Lifelong Happiness” by Vic Johnson
- Join our VIP Goal Setters Group at
- Listen to Sheréa VéJauan ’s Weekly Podcast at
- The 2018 Goals Journal will be published and shipped on September 30th. Support the cause at
- I launched my doTerra business a few months ago, and I'm falling in love, more and more with essential oils. Check out my website at
- June Goal Challenge: Fun Goals
- 5-Day Reboot Challenge -June 26th-30
- 31-day Marriage Challenge
- June 26 -30 - Juice reboot
- July 1st: 31-day Marriage Challenge
- July 4th: Independence Day
- August 14th: Sherea's 47th Birthday
- September 4th: Labor Day
- September 30th: The Word Book Fair & 2018 Goals Journal Launch
Sheréa VéJauan is the author of the 2017 Goals Journal, as well as several other titles, including, My Goals Journal, Realistically Speaking: Speaking What’s Real, Keeping What’s Holy, 7 Simple Steps to Achieving Your Business Goals, 3 Simple Steps to Creating a Powerful Vision Board, 52 Mondays Companion Journal, and many others. Sheréa resides in Southern California, devoted wife of twenty-five years to her husband Brian, and mother to their three children, Reginald, Jasmyn and Kennedy.
Get the 52 Mondays Goal Pack: Includes: 1 Paperback Copy of “My Goals Journal” by Sheréa VéJauan 1 PDF download of 52 Monday’s with Sheréa VéJauan 1 PDF Download of 3 Simple Steps to Creating a Powerful Vision Board by Sheréa VéJauan includes shipping – box NOT included