Sheréa VéJauan Announces The Launch Of Educational Email Series To Help Maximize Accountability & Goal Achievement

Sheréa VéJauan Announces The Launch Of Educational Email Series To Help Maximize Accountability & Goal Achievement

 (Rancho Cucamonga, CA) – Sheréa VéJauan is announcing the launch of her educational email series to help  maximize achievement, solidify leadership, and provide motivation. New topics will go live every three weeks on Thursdays, and  delivered to subscribers’ email.

Sheréa VéJauan, Co-founder of The Goal Setters Club’s, says topics will center on redefining your comfort zone, as well as building your routine. “The digital series will be a valuable resource and motivational tool for people to implement positive changes into their lives, and even the lives of others.”

The series is ideal for people between the ages of 25 and 60, who are transitioning in some way, by starting something over or embarking on something new in their lives, and seeking a higher level of accountability for themselves. Specific titles include, “Setting and Achieving Goals,” scheduled for release on August 5th; “Seeking Happiness Every Day,” on August 12th; and “Redefining Your Comfort Zone,” on September 2nd.

VéJauan adds that she’s also building, “52 Mondays with Sheréa VéJauan,” an email series specifically designed to help people master their Mondays. She’s also offering her, “10 Remarkable Women of the Word,” educational email series. Additional subject matter includes the Leadership Educational Email Series, Business Catalyst Educational Email Series, and Financial Literacy Educational Email Series.


VéJauan is releasing the series now in part because as COVID-19 vaccination rates increase, people are being invited to participate in more in-person gatherings, activities, and events. “As schedules get busier by this point in the year, now is a perfect time to help people with strategies to achieve the goals they originally set out for themselves,” she says.


“At the end of many of the emails in these series will be a call to action,” VéJauan says, “And we’ll be inviting subscribers to engage on a deeper level with The Goal Setters Club, through a video course or live workshop, for example.”  Potential subscribers can learn more and opt-in to receive updates on future topics at


Sheréa VéJauan is the author of The 2021 Goals Journal: A One-Year Personal Goal Achievement System Inspiring You to Dream, Plan, and Take Immediate Action Towards Your Goals and co-founder of The Goal Setter’s Club - a coaching organization that specializes in goal-setting exploration, plan implementation and purpose attainment.

Sheréa is also a Coach, Trainer, and Speaker with the John C. Maxwell Team. She resides in Southern California, a devoted wife of twenty-nine years and mother to three adult children. Visit her at

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