Master Your Goals:Essential Tips for Success

Day 13: Self-Care Goals - Prioritizing Wellbeing

Day 13: Self-Care Goals - Prioritizing Wellbeing On Day #13  of the 30-Day Goal Mastery Challenge! Today, we focus on one of the most important as...

Write Your Goals Down.

Write Your Goals Down. One of the key elements to goal setting is to write your goals down. Those who write their goals down are far more likely to...

Talk to a counselor.

Talk to a counselor. Consider talking to a counselor or seeing a therapist to handle any beliefs or behaviors that you know deep down may be standi...

Take daily action

Take daily action. Commit to completing one task. This may be a big or small project. Once you’ve accomplished one thing, you’ll find it much easie...

Stay up late.

Stay up late. If you are an early riser and not used to burning the midnight oil, try saving a complex task for late in the evening. Switching your...

Set S.M.A.R.T. goals.

Set S.M.A.R.T. goals. You should plan to set both short- and long-term goals, and be sure that every goal you choose is “S.M.A.R.T:” Specific, Meas...

Review and refine your plans.

Review and refine your plans. Confusion and uncertainty can often cause you to resist acting, even when you really want to. If you feel nervous or ...

Renegotiate the timeline

Renegotiate the timeline you set for yourself to achieve your goal. Is it realistic, or is it putting so much pressure on you that you cannot move ...


Research. Based on the goals you have set, do a little research on any additional support you will need to achieve them. What books can you read? W...


Pray. Before setting a new goal, spend several minutes connecting with God. Be thankful for the opportunities you have in life, and ask for the ins...


Pause. Work on your goals–but do not make your life about work only. Even the most inspired of us needs renewal time to regroup and regenerate. Tak...

Own your goal

Own your goal. Make sure it is something you really want. Be sure that you are not just going along with the goal to fulfill someone else’s need or...