Stepping Into Your True Self: Lessons from a Cheetah

Stepping Into Your True Self: Lessons from a Cheetah

Today, I came across a story accompanied by a photo of a cheetah sitting calmly in the shade while a group of dogs raced to prove who is the fastest. The photographer was explaining that the cheetah doesn't need to run that race because he know he’s faster - he does not have to prove it. This lesson resonates deeply with me as I reflect on my journey and aspirations. The cheetah, does not run to prove its swiftness to anyone. It runs when it matters, for purposes that are crucial to its survival and well-being.
This year, I'm embracing a powerful realization: stepping into who I've always been and who I am. Like the cheetah, it’s time to conserve energy and focus on what truly matters, rather than expending effort to meet external validations or expectations.
Conserving Your True Strengths
Often in professional settings, we find ourselves caught up in the rush to prove our worth and capabilities, forgetting that true strength lies in confidence and self-assurance. We expend energy on tasks that do not align with our core values or advance our most meaningful objectives.
This image and story remind us that sometimes, not participating in the race, not proving ourselves against every challenge thrown our way, is the most powerful statement of strength and self-knowledge. The cheetah teaches us that the greatest use of our abilities is in pursuits that are truly worthy—not in every contest that beckons.
Focusing on What Truly Matters
As I focus on this year, my goal is not just to achieve but to achieve what is genuinely important. I am stepping into my strengths, not to showcase them to those who doubt or question, but to use them purposefully where they can make the most impact. This includes fostering environments where creativity, innovation, and leadership can thrive without the constant need for validation.
The Power of Self-Knowledge
The cheetah instinctively knows it is the fastest and doesn't need a race to prove it. Similarly, we grow most when we are true to ourselves, embracing our unique talents and applying them where they will be most effective, rather than where they will be most visible.
This approach is not about withdrawing from challenges but about choosing them with intention, ensuring that every effort is meaningful and aligned with our deeper purposes. It is about being true to our own nature and capacities, and stepping into roles and opportunities that resonate with our most authentic selves.
As you navigate this year, I invite you to think about your own "cheetah moments." When can you conserve your energy? Where should you focus your efforts to reflect your true capabilities? Let’s discuss the power of self-awareness and purposeful action in our professional lives.
Goal Resources
2024 Goals Journal: Embark on a year of transformation with the 2024 Goals Journal. This isn't just a journal; it's a personal coach, compacted into pages that will inspire you to dream beyond limits, plan with precision, and take bold, immediate action towards your aspirations. Make this year the launchpad for your success!
30-day Goal Challenge: Ready to elevate your life in 2024? Unlock Your Potential with the 30-Day Goal Challenge On-Demand Course for just $30! Access the full 30-Day Goal Challenge at your own pace and convenience. Join us on this transformative journey and make 2024 your most successful year yet!
One Year Success program: Ready to make the next year your best year? Join me in Sheréa VéJauan’s One-Year Goal Success Program! Let's work on achieving your goals in 12 major life categories. Learn more: #GoalSetting #SuccessProgram #Leadership #PersonalDevelopment #SelfAwareness #CareerGoals #LinkedInArticle