- Sundays: Sundays at Seven w/ Sheréa VéJauan via Zoom
- Mondays: 52 Mondays with Sheréa VéJauan email series - 52 Goal-setting Strategies to Help you Master Mondays
- Tuesdays: Goal Tip Tuesdays on Twitter @shereavejauan
- Wednesdays: Workshop Wednesdays w/ Sheréa VéJauan Every 1st & 3rd Wednesday
- Thursdays: Write. Read. Run - Abundant Living Family Church Small Group via ZOOM
- Friday: Finance Friday with Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace Course - Led by Sherea VeJauan
- Saturdays: SoundCloud Saturdays with Sheréa VéJauan
- Every Day With Sheréa Audio Series Via Youtube and SoundCloud Tues.,Wed., & Thurs.)